
Enter the Ricky Shindig hard rock ring but beware of some really catchy tunes youmight never get rid of.

In 2020 the band was founded in a japanese restaurant called „Sumo“ and that’salso where the bandname comes from. Hidden in „Ricky Shindig“ is the word“Rikishi“ – a term for a sumo wrestler. The name also says that Ricky Shindig arethrowing a huge party for everybody attending their gigs. Even if you might notknow their songs yet, the band will pick you up right from the start with their joyfulmood and entertaining performances.

In May 2023 they released their debut album „The Hungry Kind“ on all streamingplatforms. On Youtube you can find music videos for their first single „Life is thesame without you“ and „Crash your life“. The latter one was filmed at theRavensberger Park Open Air in Bielefeld. But the band wants more: They’re eager toplay wherever they can and celebrate good times with the audience. See you soonand get ready to rock with us once the gong sounds.